Unleashing Chaos: A Guide on How to Sabotage in Among Us for Ultimate Gameplay Dominance


Learn the art of sabotage in Among Us with these expert tips and tricks. Throw your crewmates off track and emerge victorious as the imposter!

Are you tired of being the victim in Among Us? Do you want to turn the tables and become the mastermind behind the chaos? Look no further because this guide will teach you how to sabotage effectively in Among Us.

Firstly, it’s important to understand the different types of sabotages available in the game. Sabotages include communication disruption, reactor meltdown, oxygen depletion, and more. Each sabotage has its own unique effect on the crewmates and can be used strategically to your advantage.

One of the most effective ways to sabotage is by using the communication disruption. This sabotages all communications between players, making it difficult for them to coordinate and figure out who the imposter is. This also means that emergency meetings cannot be called, giving you more time to carry out your evil deeds.

Another great way to sabotage is by creating chaos through the reactor meltdown. This sabotage requires two crewmates to fix, which means that it will take longer for them to complete their tasks and increases the chances of you getting away with a kill.

When it comes to oxygen depletion, it’s important to use this sabotage strategically. Oxygen depletion forces crewmates to rush to the oxygen room to fix it, leaving other areas of the map vulnerable. This is a great opportunity for you to strike and eliminate any unsuspecting crewmates.

It’s important to remember that sabotages should not be used randomly. They should be used in conjunction with your overall game plan. For example, if you want to isolate a specific crewmate, you can use the doors sabotage to trap them in a room with you and eliminate them without any witnesses.

Timing is also crucial when it comes to sabotages. You don’t want to sabotage too early in the game as this will draw suspicion to you. It’s better to wait until later in the game when there are fewer players and less suspicion on you.

Another great tip is to use sabotages to create alibis. For example, if you sabotage the reactor and then quickly fix it, this will make you look innocent and draw suspicion away from you.

It’s important to also pay attention to the crewmates’ behavior. If they are all huddled together, it’s a good time to use the oxygen depletion sabotage to separate them and make it easier for you to pick them off one by one.

Lastly, it’s important to know when to stop sabotaging. If you sabotage too much, it will become obvious that you are the imposter. It’s important to balance your sabotages with actual gameplay to not draw too much attention to yourself.

In conclusion, sabotaging effectively in Among Us requires strategy, timing, and observation. By using these tips and tricks, you’ll be able to create chaos and come out as the victor. Remember to always have a game plan and use sabotages strategically to stay one step ahead of the crewmates.


Among Us has become one of the most popular games of 2020, and it's easy to see why. It's a game that requires teamwork, strategy, and deception. The game is set in a spaceship where players are divided into two groups: crewmates and imposters. Crewmates have to complete tasks around the ship while trying to identify and vote off the imposters who are trying to sabotage their efforts. But what if you want to be an imposter and sabotage the game? Well, you've come to the right place! Here are some tips on how to sabotage in Among Us.

1. Sabotaging Lights

One of the easiest ways to sabotage in Among Us is by turning off the lights. This makes it difficult for crewmates to see anything and gives imposters the perfect opportunity to strike. To turn off the lights, simply click on the sabotage button located at the bottom right corner of the screen. Then, select the lights option and watch as chaos ensues.

2. Sabotaging O2

Another effective way to sabotage in Among Us is by tampering with the oxygen supply. This will cause crewmates to panic and rush to fix the issue, giving imposters the chance to pick them off one by one. To sabotage the oxygen supply, click on the sabotage button and select the O2 option.

3. Sabotaging Reactors

Similarly, you can also sabotage the reactor to create chaos and distract the crewmates. This will require multiple crewmates to fix the problem, giving the imposters time to kill and get away. To sabotage the reactor, click on the sabotage button and select the reactor option.

4. Sabotaging Communications

Sabotaging communications can also be an effective way to throw off the crewmates. This will disable their ability to see what tasks they need to complete, making it difficult for them to progress in the game. To sabotage communications, click on the sabotage button and select the communications option.

5. Sabotaging Doors

Sabotaging doors can also be a useful tactic for imposters. This will trap crewmates in certain areas of the ship, making it easier for imposters to kill them. To sabotage doors, click on the sabotage button and select the doors option.

6. Timing is Key

When it comes to sabotaging in Among Us, timing is everything. You want to make sure that you're not sabotaging too often or too little. Sabotage too often, and crewmates will become suspicious of you. Sabotage too little, and you won't be able to create enough chaos to get your kills.

7. Pay Attention to Security Cameras

As an imposter, you should always keep an eye on the security cameras. This will give you an idea of which crewmates are alone and vulnerable, making it easier for you to strike. Use this information to your advantage and plan your kills accordingly.

8. Blend In

To be a successful imposter, you need to blend in with the crewmates. Act like you're completing tasks and try to avoid looking suspicious. If crewmates become suspicious of you, they may call an emergency meeting and vote you off the ship.

9. Use Ventilation Systems

Ventilation systems can be a useful tool for imposters. They allow you to move around the ship quickly and undetected. Use ventilation systems to move between rooms and avoid being seen by crewmates.

10. Be Strategic

At the end of the day, being an imposter in Among Us requires strategy and deception. You need to be strategic with your kills and use your abilities to create chaos and confusion. Always be one step ahead of the crewmates and plan your moves carefully.


Sabotaging in Among Us can be a lot of fun, but it requires a certain level of strategy and cunning. Use the tips above to become a successful imposter and take down your crewmates one by one. Remember to always be on the lookout for suspicious behavior and stay one step ahead of the game. With these tips, you'll be a master imposter in no time!
As an Among Us player, there are several ways to sabotage your crewmates and help the imposter win the game. One of the easiest ways to do this is to pretend to complete tasks while doing nothing. This will make everyone believe that you are working towards the common goal but in reality, you are just buying time for the imposter to strike. Another way to sabotage the team is to lock doors and trap your crewmates, making them easier targets for the imposter. You can also fake emergency calls and cause chaos among the crew, diverting attention away from the real killer. If you are the imposter, sabotaging the oxygen system is a great way to create panic and confusion among the crew. Turning off the lights is another great way to create a perfect opportunity for the imposter to strike while your crewmates are trying to restore the lights.As the imposter, you can also blame innocent crewmates for your actions. This way, you can create a sense of distrust and confusion among the crewmates. When you need to escape the scene of a crime, you can use the vents to disappear quickly. This is a great way to create suspicion among your crewmates and distract from the real killer. As a crewmate, you can deceive your crewmates by creating fake tasks. Doing this will create doubt and confusion among your teammates, making it easier for the imposter to strike.Another tactic is to use security cameras to your advantage. As the imposter, you can keep an eye on your crewmates' movements and find an opportunity to strike and sabotage the team. Finally, you can always play mind games with your crewmates to sabotage the team. By creating doubt and suspicion among the crew, you can make it much harder for them to complete their tasks and catch the imposter.In conclusion, there are many ways to sabotage your crewmates and help the imposter win in Among Us. Whether you're pretending to complete tasks, locking doors, creating fake emergencies, or playing mind games, there are plenty of tactics at your disposal. As a crewmate, it's important to stay vigilant and watch out for any suspicious behavior. And as an imposter, it's up to you to use these tactics to your advantage and come out on top. So, the next time you play Among Us, remember these tips and see if you can sabotage your way to victory.

How Do I Sabotage In Among Us

The Plan

As an imposter in Among Us, my main objective is to kill off all the crewmates on board. But, what if I told you there was a way to sabotage the entire ship and make it easier for me to take down the crewmates? Here's how I do it:

Step 1: Timing is Key

Before I start sabotaging, I wait for the perfect moment when the crewmates are all scattered around the ship. This makes it harder for them to communicate and work together to fix the sabotage.

Step 2: Sabotage Away

Once the timing is right, I start sabotaging the ship by using one of the options available to me. There are several options available, including:

  1. Lights: This option turns off all the lights on the ship making it harder for the crewmates to navigate.
  2. Reactor: This option requires two crewmates to fix it or the ship will explode.
  3. Oxygen: This option requires all crewmates to fix it or they will suffocate.
  4. Communications: This option disables the crewmates' ability to communicate with each other.

Step 3: Take Advantage

While the crewmates are busy trying to fix the sabotage, I take advantage of this distraction and start killing them off one by one. I make sure to stay hidden and not draw attention to myself.


As an imposter in Among Us, I love sabotaging the ship. It makes it easier for me to kill off the crewmates and get away with it. It also adds an extra level of excitement to the game as I try to outsmart the crewmates.


  • Imposter
  • Crewmates
  • Sabotage
  • Lights
  • Reactor
  • Oxygen
  • Communications

Goodbye for now, fellow Among Us players!

As we wrap up our discussion on how to sabotage in Among Us, I hope you've found some valuable insights on how to become a more strategic and effective imposter. Whether you're a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, knowing how to sabotage can make all the difference in achieving your goals and outwitting your opponents.

Throughout this article, we've explored various types of sabotage, including disabling systems, causing distractions, and creating chaos. We've also discussed the importance of timing, communication, and teamwork when it comes to executing successful sabotages.

But perhaps most importantly, we've emphasized the need for creativity and adaptability in your approach to sabotage. Every game of Among Us is different, and every crew has its own unique dynamics and vulnerabilities. To be an effective imposter, you must be willing to think outside the box and adjust your strategy as needed.

Of course, it's worth noting that sabotage isn't foolproof. Crewmates can still detect and repair sabotaged systems, and a well-coordinated team can often overcome even the most disruptive acts of sabotage. But by using sabotage strategically and in conjunction with other tactics (like venting and faking tasks), you can greatly increase your chances of success.

As you continue to play Among Us, remember that the game is ultimately about having fun and building connections with other players. While winning as an imposter can be satisfying, don't forget to enjoy the social aspects of the game and make new friends along the way.

And if you ever find yourself on the receiving end of sabotage as a crewmate, don't despair! Remember that your role is just as important as that of the imposter, and that by working together and communicating effectively, you can overcome even the most devious acts of sabotage.

With that, I'd like to thank you for reading this article and joining me on this exploration of how to sabotage in Among Us. Whether you're a seasoned imposter or just getting started, I hope you've found some useful tips and tricks to take your gameplay to the next level.

Until next time, happy sabotaging!

How Do I Sabotage In Among Us?

What is sabotage in Among Us?

Sabotage is a game mechanic in Among Us that allows the Imposter to disrupt the crew's tasks or cause chaos. The Imposter can sabotage various systems on the spaceship to create distractions, split up the crew, and make it easier to eliminate crewmates without being caught.

How do I sabotage in Among Us?

To sabotage in Among Us, you must be playing as the Imposter and be close to one of the sabotage locations on the map. Here's how to do it:

  1. Open the Sabotage menu by clicking on the red button at the bottom right of your screen.
  2. Select the type of sabotage you want to execute from the list of options, such as Oxygen, Reactor, or Electrical.
  3. Click on the location where you want to sabotage.
  4. Wait for the chaos to ensue!

What are the different types of sabotage in Among Us?

There are several types of sabotage in Among Us, each with its own unique effects:

  • Oxygen: This sabotage lowers the oxygen levels on the map and gives the crewmates a limited amount of time to fix it before they all suffocate.
  • Reactor: This sabotage requires two crewmates to work together to stop the meltdown before it destroys the ship.
  • Lights: This sabotage plunges the map into darkness, making it difficult for crewmates to see and complete their tasks.
  • Comms: This sabotage disables the communications system, preventing crewmates from seeing each other's locations on the map.
  • Doors: This sabotage locks doors around the map, making it difficult for crewmates to move around and complete their tasks.

What are some tips for using sabotage effectively in Among Us?

If you're playing as the Imposter in Among Us, here are some tips for using sabotage to your advantage:

  1. Use sabotage to create distractions and split up the crew.
  2. Coordinate sabotages with your fellow Imposters to create even more chaos.
  3. Use sabotages strategically to create opportunities to eliminate crewmates without being caught.
  4. Be aware of which sabotages have been fixed and which ones are still ongoing so you can plan your next move accordingly.
Overall, sabotaging is an important tool for Imposters in Among Us, and knowing how to use it effectively can help you win the game. Just be careful not to get caught in the act!