Top 10 Most Annoying Things Players Do in Among Us - A Guide for a Better Gaming Experience!


Discover the most annoying things in Among Us, from hackers and trolls to players who won't listen to reason. Get ready to vent your frustrations!

Among Us is a popular online multiplayer game that has taken the world by storm. The game revolves around a group of players aboard a spaceship who must complete tasks while identifying and eliminating imposters among them. However, like any other game, there are certain aspects that can be frustrating and annoying for players. In this article, we will discuss the most annoying things in Among Us that players encounter.

Firstly, one of the most annoying things in Among Us is being voted off unfairly. It is not uncommon for players to vote off someone without any concrete evidence, leading to innocent players getting eliminated from the game. This often results in players losing interest in the game and frustration sets in.

Another frustrating aspect of Among Us is dealing with toxic players. Toxic players are individuals who intentionally ruin the game experience for others. They may cheat, use inappropriate language, or just generally make the game unpleasant for everyone. Dealing with such players can be a daunting task and can spoil the fun of the game.

Furthermore, communication is key in Among Us, and players who refuse to communicate often cause annoyance among their teammates. Communication helps identify imposters and complete tasks faster. Players who do not communicate with others often end up being suspected of being an imposter, leading to their elimination even if they are innocent.

The lack of variety in tasks is another issue that annoys players. Despite the game having a large player base, it offers limited tasks that can become monotonous after playing for a while. Players often crave new tasks and challenges to keep the game interesting.

In addition to the aforementioned issues, players also find it frustrating when they get disconnected from the game due to poor internet connectivity. This can be especially frustrating when a player is close to completing their tasks or identifying the imposter.

Another annoying aspect of Among Us is the lack of control over the game's settings. Players often want to customize the game according to their preferences, but the options available are limited. This can lead to players getting bored with the game quickly and switching to other games.

The game's graphics and sound effects can also become repetitive and dull after playing for a while. Players often crave new graphics and sound effects to keep the game exciting and fresh.

Players may also find it annoying when they join a game halfway through and are immediately eliminated by the remaining players. This can be frustrating, especially if a player has waited for a long time to join a game.

Another issue that annoys players is the lack of proper punishment for cheaters. Cheating can ruin the game experience for everyone, and players who cheat should be appropriately punished to discourage such behavior in the future.

In conclusion, Among Us is an exciting and engaging game, but there are certain aspects that can be frustrating and annoying for players. From being voted off unfairly to dealing with toxic players, poor communication, lack of variety in tasks, poor internet connectivity, limited customization options, repetitive graphics and sound effects, unfair eliminations, and cheating, there are many issues that players face in the game. However, despite these issues, the game remains popular among players worldwide.

The Infamous “Task Bar”

Among Us has a feature that shows the progress of tasks completed by crewmates and imposters on the task bar. While this may be useful for players to identify imposters, it can also be a frustrating element of the gameplay. The task bar can give away who is completing tasks and who is not, leading to players being voted off prematurely. It can also cause confusion during emergency meetings when players argue over whether the task bar is an accurate representation of how many tasks have been completed.

Getting Caught in the Act

Nothing is more annoying than getting caught in the act as an imposter. When players witness an imposter killing or venting, they will immediately call an emergency meeting or report the body. This can be frustrating for imposters who were so close to getting away with their crime, only to have it all unravel in an instant. Additionally, it can be difficult to defend oneself when the evidence is clear, leading to a quick vote-off.

The Dreaded “Scan” Task

The scan task in Among Us requires players to stand on a platform and wait for a scan to complete. While this may seem like a simple task, it can take a long time to complete and leaves players vulnerable to being killed by imposters. Furthermore, players cannot complete any other tasks while waiting for the scan to finish, making it a tedious and frustrating part of the game.

Teammates Who Don’t Help

One of the most frustrating aspects of the game is when teammates do not help to identify imposters or complete tasks. These players can often be found wandering around aimlessly or standing in one spot for extended periods of time. This not only slows down the game but can also lead to confusion during emergency meetings.

Players Who Leave Mid-Game

Another annoying aspect of Among Us is when players leave mid-game. This can cause the game to become unbalanced and can also lead to confusion during emergency meetings. Additionally, it can be frustrating for players who were relying on their teammate to complete a task or clear them as innocent.

The “Voting Off” Process

The voting off process in Among Us can also be extremely frustrating. Players often accuse others without any evidence, leading to innocent players being voted off. Additionally, players may not take the time to listen to all sides of the argument before casting their vote, leading to unfair decisions. Furthermore, players who are voted off cannot defend themselves or continue playing the game, making it a frustrating experience for them as well.

The “Kill Cooldown” Timer

As an imposter, one of the most annoying things is waiting for the kill cooldown timer to expire. This can take a long time and leaves the imposter vulnerable to being caught by crewmates. Additionally, it can be frustrating when a kill opportunity arises but the cooldown timer has not yet expired.

The “Report” Button

The report button in Among Us can also be a source of frustration. Players may accidentally hit the report button instead of the use button, leading to unnecessary emergency meetings. Additionally, players may not fully understand when they should hit the report button, leading to confusion and frustration among players.

The “Emergency Meeting” Button

While the emergency meeting button can be useful in identifying imposters or clearing innocent players, it can also be a source of frustration. Players may call emergency meetings without any evidence or reason, wasting valuable time that could be used to complete tasks or identify imposters. Additionally, players may not take the time to listen to all sides of the argument before making a decision, leading to unfair decisions.

Imposters Who Sabotage

Imposters who sabotage in Among Us can be extremely frustrating for crewmates. Sabotages can disrupt tasks and cause chaos among the crew, making it difficult to identify imposters or complete tasks. Additionally, players may not know how to fix certain sabotages, leading to confusion and frustration.


Despite its popularity, Among Us has its fair share of annoying elements. From the task bar to the voting off process, players must navigate through a range of frustrating scenarios that can test their patience. While these annoyances may make the game more challenging, they can also lead to a less enjoyable experience for players.

Among Us is an incredibly addictive game that has taken the world by storm. The game is simple yet challenging, and it's no wonder that millions of players are hooked on it. However, like any game, there are a few things that can make playing Among Us a frustrating experience. Here are the most annoying things in Among Us.

When someone doesn't listen to reason

One of the most frustrating things that can happen in Among Us is when you catch someone venting or killing, and nobody believes you. You try to explain your reasoning, and yet your teammates ignore you. It's infuriating to be ignored when you're trying to help your team win.

When the imposter is too sneaky

Sometimes, the imposter is just too good at their job. They're so sneaky that it's hard to figure out who it is, and before you know it, they've killed you without anyone noticing. It's incredibly frustrating to be outsmarted in this way.

When someone leaves mid-game

There's nothing more disruptive than having someone leave in the middle of a game. It ruins the flow of the game and gives the imposter an unfair advantage. It's especially infuriating when the person leaves without any warning or explanation.

When the imposter is a sore loser

When the game is over, and everyone knows who the imposter was, it's frustrating when the imposter doesn't admit defeat. Instead, they lash out and start accusing others of cheating. It's a childish move that ruins the experience for everyone involved.

When people don't complete tasks

One of the objectives of Among Us is to complete tasks, but it's frustrating when your teammates don't pull their weight. They leave tasks halfway done, or they don't bother to start them at all. It's irritating to have to carry the team solo.

When someone keeps calling emergency meetings for no reason

It's frustrating when someone calls an emergency meeting for no reason. You're in the middle of trying to catch someone in the act, and suddenly someone calls a meeting. You prepare yourself for some juicy information, only to find out that the person had no reason for calling the meeting in the first place.

When someone takes too long to vote

Sometimes, players take forever to cast their vote, and it can be infuriating. The evidence is stacked against someone as the imposter, and yet one person takes forever to vote. Meanwhile, the imposter is getting away with murder.

When someone doesn't understand the game mechanics

Among Us is a simple game, but not everyone grasps the mechanics right away. When you're trying to teach someone the ropes, and they keep making silly mistakes, it can be frustrating and disruptive to the game.

When someone spoils the game

Unfortunately, some players take the game too seriously and can get abusive or spoil it for others. From stream sniping to hacking, these players ruin the experience and make the game unplayable for others.

When there's no one to play with

Finally, it's frustrating when there's no one online to play with. You're ready to unwind with a game of Among Us, but nobody is available to play. It's a lonely and frustrating experience.In conclusion, Among Us is an incredibly addictive game, but there are a few things that can make playing it a frustrating experience. From players who don't listen to reason to those who spoil the game, there are plenty of things that can make playing Among Us a frustrating experience. However, despite these annoyances, Among Us remains one of the most popular games in the world, and it's easy to see why.

The Most Annoying Things In Among Us


Among Us is a popular multiplayer game that has taken the gaming world by storm. The game revolves around players trying to complete tasks on a spaceship while trying to identify and eliminate imposters among them. As enjoyable as the game can be, it also has its fair share of annoyances that can ruin the experience for players. In this article, we will discuss the most annoying things in Among Us from a player's point of view.

Most Annoying Things In Among Us

1. Players Leaving Mid-Game

One of the most frustrating things in Among Us is when a player leaves the game mid-way through. This can happen for various reasons, such as disconnection or rage-quitting, but it disrupts the gameplay for the remaining players. It often leads to imbalanced teams and can make it harder for the crewmates to complete their tasks.

2. Lack of Communication

Communication is key in Among Us. Players need to work together and communicate effectively to identify the imposters and complete tasks. However, some players choose not to communicate, either because they are shy, don't have a microphone, or simply don't want to. This can make it difficult for other players to trust them and can lead to them being voted off as a suspect.

3. Imposters Not Playing Fair

Imposters have a set of abilities that allow them to sabotage the crewmates' efforts to complete tasks. However, some imposters choose to use these abilities to troll or annoy other players, rather than playing the game fairly. For example, an imposter may choose to lock players in rooms repeatedly, making it impossible for them to complete tasks or escape.

4. Players Not Voting

Voting is an essential part of Among Us. It's how players identify potential imposters and eliminate them from the game. However, some players choose not to vote, either because they are unsure or because they don't want to be seen as suspicious. This can make the game drag on unnecessarily and can lead to frustration for other players who are trying to progress in the game.


Among Us is a great game that can provide hours of entertainment. However, certain things can make the experience less enjoyable for players. Players leaving mid-game, lack of communication, imposters not playing fair, and players not voting are some of the most annoying things in Among Us. As players, we should strive to make the game enjoyable for everyone by playing fairly and communicating effectively.

Table Information

Keyword Description
Among Us A popular multiplayer game where players try to complete tasks on a spaceship while identifying and eliminating imposters among them.
Imposters Players who are trying to sabotage the crewmates' efforts to complete tasks.
Crewmates Players who are trying to complete tasks on the spaceship while identifying and eliminating the imposters among them.
Voting The process by which players identify potential imposters and eliminate them from the game.
Communication The act of players working together and communicating effectively to identify the imposters and complete tasks.

Closing Message: Farewell, Fellow Crewmates!

As we come to the end of our journey exploring the most annoying things in Among Us, it's time to say goodbye to all our fellow crewmates who have been following along with us. We hope that you have found our insights and experiences relatable, and that you have learned a thing or two about how to deal with some of the most frustrating aspects of the game.

We started off our journey by discussing the most annoying tasks in Among Us, from the mundane ones like the card swipe and the wires to the more complex ones like the maze and the telescope. We talked about how these tasks can be a major source of frustration for players, especially when they have to keep repeating them over and over again.

Next, we delved into the world of impostors and discussed the most annoying things that they do to sabotage their fellow crewmates. From locking doors and turning off lights to venting and faking tasks, impostors have a whole arsenal of tricks up their sleeves that can make life difficult for everyone else on the ship.

We also touched upon some of the annoying behaviors that crewmates themselves can exhibit, such as accusing others without evidence, refusing to vote, and not communicating effectively with their teammates. These behaviors can not only make the game less enjoyable but can also lead to innocent players being voted off the ship.

One of the most frustrating things about Among Us is dealing with cheaters and hackers, who can ruin the game for everyone else by unfairly gaining an advantage or disrupting gameplay. We shared some tips on how to identify and report cheaters, as well as ways to prevent cheating from happening in the first place.

Another aspect of Among Us that can be annoying is the lack of variety in maps and gameplay modes. While the game is undeniably fun and addictive, playing the same maps and modes over and over again can become repetitive and boring. We discussed some ways that players can keep the game fresh and exciting by trying out custom maps and game modes.

Finally, we talked about the importance of sportsmanship and good behavior in Among Us. While the game can be tense and competitive, it's important to remember that it's just a game and that everyone should have fun and enjoy themselves. We encouraged players to be respectful, gracious, and kind to their fellow crewmates, even when things get heated.

As we wrap up our exploration of the most annoying things in Among Us, we want to thank all our readers for joining us on this journey. We hope that you have enjoyed reading our blog as much as we have enjoyed writing it. Remember, no matter how frustrating the game may be at times, it's all part of the fun and excitement of playing Among Us!

Farewell, fellow crewmates, and happy gaming!

Most Annoying Things In Among Us

Why do people get annoyed while playing Among Us?

Among Us is a popular multiplayer game that has gained immense popularity in recent times. However, there are several reasons why people get annoyed while playing this game, including:

  • Players not following the rules of the game
  • Cheaters and hackers ruining the gameplay experience
  • Players leaving the game midway through a round
  • Players making false accusations and blaming innocent players
  • Players taking too long to vote or make decisions
  • Players using offensive language and behavior

How can I deal with annoying players in Among Us?

If you encounter annoying players while playing Among Us, here are some ways to deal with them:

  1. Report them: If someone is cheating or hacking, report them immediately to the game moderators.
  2. Leave the game: If the gameplay experience is being ruined by an annoying player, leave the game and join another one.
  3. Mute them: If a player is using offensive language, mute them using the in-game settings.
  4. Stay calm: Avoid getting angry or frustrated, as it will only make the situation worse. Stay calm and focused on the game.
  5. Communicate effectively: If you are playing with friends, communicate effectively and avoid making false accusations.

How can we prevent annoying behavior in Among Us?

To prevent annoying behavior in Among Us, here are some tips that can be followed:

  1. Follow the rules of the game: Ensure that you follow the rules of the game and play fair.
  2. Avoid cheating: Do not cheat or use hacks while playing the game.
  3. Be respectful: Use appropriate language and behavior while playing the game.
  4. Communicate effectively: Communicate with other players effectively and avoid making false accusations.
  5. Be patient: Be patient and wait for other players to make decisions and vote.
  6. Play with friends: Playing with friends can help prevent annoying behavior, as you know each other's playing style and behavior.